1. Tell us about your first surfing and surfboard memory….
It all started on a Tweetie Bird bodyboard, got the feel for it. Then Dad got me an Elnino Soft Top for my 5th Birthday and I rode it for about 5 years every day until I got my first Fiberglass Surfboard.
2. Favourite surf spot and why?
If I told ya, I’d have to kill ya.. Hahaha
There’s some pretty amazing waves down on the South Coast, packing up my Landcruiser and camping along the coast looking for waves is my favourite thing to do in the World.
3. What’s on your playlist at the moment?
I listen to heaps of music.
Lots of Metal, Pentagram, Electric Wizard, Hellhammer.
But I have a pretty insane playlist of 80’s Bangers that I listen to on Repeat
4. Your go to post surf snack?
An Ice Cold XXXX Gold
5. Wax or grip?
6. What size fins do you like?
7. Favourite maneuver and why?
Cutty, ya can’t beat an honest Cutty
8. What’s your ultimate size short board?
I’ve been riding a 5'10 1/2 as my normal Shortboard
9. Your favourite Emery board model right now?
I really like the “Dime”, it’s almost a refined version of the Black Angel. I've been riding them half an inch shorter than my Shortboards, has a touch more Tail Lift which I like for Airs
10. Talk us through your Emery Surfboard Quiver….
I've got everything from a 6'8 Cannon to a 5'2 Twin. Al’s got so many models on the go so it’s been super fun getting to try out different shapes.
11. We are so stoked to have you back with the Emery Family. Talk us through your memories with Emery from when you were a Grom to now…
I first met Al when I came to Lennox for the Rusty Gromfest when I was around 13, he shaped me a new 5'2 with Black Rails. My dad drove me around to your place to pick it up, I still remember the stoke of picking that board up. I really appreciate all the support and late nights pushing boards through for me! Thanks for having me back!
Pictured above: Blast from the Past - Grom Comp & Grom Fest with Al Emery, 2010.